Past hackathons


🍎 REFALi häkaton "Maximizing the value of apple biomass" 🍎

Väljakutse eesmärk on pakkuda uuenduslik toote- ja/või tehnoloogiline lahendus, mis võimaldab suurendada ilmastikutingimuste tõttu kahjustada saanud õunte biomassi väärtust.

Kuigi need õunad on täisväärtuslik tooraine, ei sobi nad erinevate koore- või kujudefektide tõttu otsemüügiks.

REFALi häkatoni võitja(d) saavad võimaluse alustada pikaajalist ärikoostööd REFAL Grupiga, sealhulgas ühiselt arendada ja rakendada uusi tehnoloogiaid, viia ellu arendusprojekte või rajada uus tootmisliin.

Aita REFALil väärindada kuni 6 000 000 kg õuna biomassi aastas!

Loe rohkem Refal häkatoni kohta.




🍎 Piesta häkaton  „Sustainable Use of Apple Pomace 🍎

Pärnumaa Arenduskeskus kutsub osalema Piesta häkatonile, kus saate pakkuda lahendusi, kuidas muuta õuna pressijäägid, sealhulgas selle seemned, väärtuslikeks toodeteks või lahendusteks, mis on majanduslikult jätkusuutlikud.

Oleme avatud uutele ärivõimalustele ja teaduskoostööle.

Täpsem info kahe õunahäkatoni kohta veebiseminaril: APPLE HACK: UNLOCKING THE APPLE BIOMASS, 26. veebruaril 2025 kell 13:00–14:30 CET / 14:00–15:30 EET. Registreeri end avaseminarile SIIN

Loe rohkem Piesta häkatoni kohta.



Toksika häkaton „Accelerated remediation of contaminated soils

Kutsume osalema Toksika häkatonile, kus keskendume kiiremate bioloogiliste pinnasetöötlusmeetodite arendamisele naftasaastega aladel – säilitades samal ajal elutähtsad mikroorganismid, mis puhastusprotsessi eest vastutavad.

Toksika väljakutse on luua tõhus ja keskkonnasõbralik lahendus, mis kiirendab biopuhastust ilma puhastusprotsessi mikroobikooslusi kahjustamata. Sõltuvalt sinu idee küpsusest pakub Toksika häkatoni osalejatele võimalust äriliseks koostööks, ühisprojektideks või pilootprogrammideks, et sinu kontseptsioon ellu viia.

Siin on sinu võimalus aidata kujundada pinnase taastamise jätkusuutlikku tulevikku!

Liitu meiega Toksika häkatoni veebiseminaril: 27. veebruaril 2025 kell 13:00–14:30 CET / 14:00–15:30 EET. Registreerimislink: SIIN

Loe rohkem Toksika häkatoni kohta.


Help bioboost Moelven with a new packaging solution

How can packaging used to protect and store interior panels in wood be made more environmentally friendly than the ones made of fossil-based plastic used today? Moelven Wood is looking for the solution. Maybe you have the answer?

On September 25, we invite you to a webinar to present this challenge and start the search for innovative ideas from start-ups, companies, innovators, and/or researchers.

The challenge

Currently, Moelven Wood uses fossil-based plastics to package and protect the interior panels they produce for indoor use. By replacing this packaging with a fossil-free alternative, major environmental savings can be made. To make this a reality they are looking for others to collaborate with and contribute to the solution.

To make this happen, Moelven Wood, is the first in Sweden to boost its challenge through BioBoosters. And now they are ready for takeoff.

Together with Paper Province, they invite you to a webinar to let you know more about the challenge, their needs, and the possibilities for collaboration or possibly a business deal.
The webinar will also provide information on plastics as a material choice and on packaging solutions from experts in the field.


Times in CEST.

  • 13:00-13:05 Welcome – Magnus Persson/Per Myhrén, Paper Province
  • 13:05-13:20 BioBoosters concept – Anna Aalto, Jyväskylä University of Applied Science
  • 13:20-13:40 Sustainable use of plastic materials – Mattias Andersson, RISE
  • 13:40-14:00 Packaging solutions, tbd
  • 14:00-14:30 MoelvenHackathon call –Tjalling Chaudron, Moelven Wood
  • 14:30-14:40 Questions and Answers
  • 14:40-14:45 Closing words – Per Myhrén, Paper Province

When: September 25, 13.00-14.30 pm (CEST)
Where: Digitally via Teams
Register her!


We invite you to apply for the Latvian pilot hackathon "Aloja Starkelsen" challenge call webinar!
As part of the Baltic Sea region project "BioBoosters", Vidzeme Planning region in cooperation with "Aloja Starkelsen" Ltd. invites technology companies, IT product managers and planners, logistics, warehouse and production facilities service and planning specialists specialists, student teams and researchers to participate in the informative webinar of hackathon challenge call, which will take place on October 12.

Join the introduction webinar and learn about the challenge to solve it and develop an efficient system for servicing equipment and maintaining a spare parts warehouse! During the webinar, "Aloja Starkelsen" will introduce to the company and the challenge "Development of CMMS system improvements, more efficient equipment servicing and maintenance of spare parts warehouse". The goal of the challenge is to streamline and ensure a sustainable production process, providing it with a planned and logical equipment service strategy or plan, at the same time creating a rational and easy to operate spare part, warehouse of production materials, thus saving natural, material and human resources, making the product competitive and greener.

As a result of the hackathon, the company wants to get a technical specification, or terms of reference, for a software developer to work together to create a working, easy to use system. The winning team of the hackathon will be entitled to sign a system supply contract with “Aloja Starkelsen


Webinar date: October 12, from: 13:00 15:00 (EEST / UTC+3)

Venue: Online, Zoom

Webinar registration link:

Hackathon dates: November 30 and December 1, 2023

13:00 – 13:20 Opening and introduction, Vidzeme Planning Region, Jamk University of Applied Sciences
13:20 – 13:45 Intra-logistics, Quality & Risk Management, Project Management, Supply Chain Management, and Procurement, Senior Lecturer Anna Hintikka, Jamk University of Applied Sciences
13:45 – 14:05 Warehouse planning and maintenance, EDIC support, speaker will be specified
14:05 – 14:35 Aloja Starkelsen challenge for hackathon – CMMS system improvements, Jānis Blaumanis, technical director
14:35 Q&A closing words

More information about the “Aloja Starkelsen” Hackathon: 

More information about participation in the hackathon: Laima Engere Levina,, phone number: +371 28376912



Have you ever wondered about the untapped potential hidden in everyday by-products? At Holmen, we’re diving deep into one specific query: How can we transform wood ash – a by-product from our biofuel boilers created during the heating and drying process of wood – from waste to wonder? 

Our mission is clear: to uncover a sustainable, profitable, and either circular or renewable avenue for this ash. Annual wood ash production of Holmen factories is approximately 450 tons. While there's undeniable value in returning some of it to our forests and land, we believe there's a world of innovative possibilities out there waiting to be discovered. Your creativity and passion are the keys. To those who rise to this challenge, Holmen offers an exciting opportunity. Successful Hackathon participants will be given a chance for business collaboration, opening doors to joint projects or pilot ventures to bring your visionary ideas to life.

We invite you to become part of this unique opportunity to tackle our challenge. Together with Holmen’s experts and the companies in our BioBoosters network, you will have the opportunity to develop innovative methods and solutions. Are you the team we are looking for? Send in your application to solve the challenge and participate in the hackathon no later than October 20 2023. The call opens on September 26!


Timeline for HolmenHackathon

26 September - Launch webinar

20 October – Call closes 

14 November – Kick-off for the selected solutions providers

7-8 December – Hackathon days in Umeå when the winner is announced


Valio invites You to ideate ways to tackle the seasonal variation in milk production. The goal is part of Valio's responsible and climate smart primary production development, which aims for carbon-neutral milk by 2035. About 3,700 dairy entrepreneurs own Valio Ltd. through regional cooperatives. Managing the seasonal variation in milk production starts from functional and profitable farm-level solutions that enable a transformation throughout the production chain. Valio is looking for concrete and effective ways to balance seasonality on farm level. Depending on the maturity of the idea, Valio offers Hackathon participants either the opportunity for business cooperation or the opportunity to start a joint project or pilot for testing the presented idea.

Join us to solve the challenge and develop new methods and solutions in co-operation with Valio’s experts and representatives of cooperatives! Send in your application by 22/10/2023 

Valio is looking for concrete and effective ways to balance seasonality. These solutions need to be attractive on farm level. We welcome as participants startups, SMEs, research groups, student groups, input and equipment suppliers, consulting organizations, companies offering data analytics solutions, agricultural economists and dairy farmers.


  • Publication of the Hackathon invitation 22/09/2023 at 12:30 - 14:30 EEST in a webinar: BioTalks: Viable and resilient dairy farming
  • Send in your application by 22/10/2023. The application includes your preliminary idea proposal and a short description of the expertise in your team. 
  • Selected teams are published by 26/10/2023.
  • Kick-off event to the ValioHackathon is organized online on 10/11/2023 at 10:00 - 12:00 EEST. In the Kick-off event, the participant teams will meet each other and the Valio representatives to hear more about the challenge and expectations of Valio. Teams will present their preliminary ideas and get feedback for further development. 
  • Hackathon will be organized on 27-28/11/2023 in Valio Main Office in Helsinki (Meijeritie 6). On 27/11, the program will start in the afternoon with mentoring for the participant teams and networking in the evening. On 28/11, there will be a pitching session for presentations on teams’ solution proposals to Valio. After Jury deliberation, winner(s) are announced. Online participation is possible if you are not able to travel onsite.

Register here